Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I was pleasantly surprised to find some of my old students in a class I'm teaching. Well, as a TA. I'm too sick of academics to ever want to become a professor.

I told them I might not be teaching their class starting next week because I have a schedule conflict. And I added that in the civilized world, we say SHEDYULE and not SKEJULE. They nodded gravely and said they remembered that, and the fact that I say aluminIum. And the fact that cricket is the only true sport, and baseball is just a cheap imitation. I was all choked up, proud that I had really taught these kids something.

And they, full of their usual does-flattery-get-me-extra-points shit, asked me if the person taking my place would be as awesome as I was.

Yeah, I definitely think they deserve those extra points.

I hear my flatmate talking on the phone, repeatedly shouting out the words, I LOVE DIET COKE! Must be code for something. Low fat cocaine? Nah, too obvious. She's a total little undergrad, she gets drunk every night of the week. Hooks up with total strangers at the bar. And half her friends are either single moms at 21, or getting sentenced to three days in prison for DUI. Oh, now she's talking about how she's going to die of an STD. Charming.


I miss those days.

Oh. Wait. I never HAD THOSE DAYS! Thank fucking heavens for THAT!

P.S. Yes, she's a wackjob, but I'm really quite fond of her. You know, kind of like Maria in the Sound of Music. Except there's a lot more drunkenness/sluttiness here. Ah, the joys of living with an undergrad..


Anonymous said...

Quick peep.
Can you go to Blogger Beta please, commenting issues coming up, I comment as the Other.
Sometimes when my phone bill comes in, I have near death experiences...because of the STD

Drunken Master said...

I didn't have those days either. Which is why I'm doing all those cool things now.

By the way, seems like you forgot the most important sport - football, not the American one with heavily-padded, juiced, overweight and concussed bozos, the one with the round ball and 4-4-2.

Nath said...

I ran into an ex-student today. He's now TAing the same class I was.

The circle is complete. I can retire now.

A and A said...

Yeah, undergrad days (and years) are the best. Best, kanna, best!!!!

White Magpie said...

Ye lucky gurl!! hehe

APOO said...

U lied to the kids?!

sac said...

heh, i was at Leeds Uni arts wing, one of about six MA students with a whole CAMPUS full of undergrads.. didn't learn jack in the course but i do now know the finest way to preserve a liver is to pickle it in a marinade of snakebite-n-black and sweet, sweet pheromones

Sriram said...

"I LOVE DIET COKE" - Didnt you know this? It means I'm doing coke, I'm on a diet and my flatmate thinks I'm an ass AND she's overhearing me right now.

Thank me later! :D

Raindrop said...

imhunt, for some reason, your blog doesn't seem to work! It shuts down when I open it.

drunken, I wish I could randomly hook up with strangers. At least once in my Amish-seal-of-approval life. And blah about football. Cricket's the only true sport. :)

Nath, yup. Retire. I'm retiring. From academia. Now I just want to bum around.

Wishful, no. My schooldays were the best. I used to be an angsty teenager who wanted to fix the world. Now I'm just a cynical bitch who couldn't care less. :)

White Magpie, I like her though. She's a nice kid. She makes amazing desserts.

apoo, shh! These people don't realize I'm a fraud yet! Let's keep this to ourselves.

sac, it's easy to be older than the average age when you're male. But given how disastrous my last relationship with a guy younger than me was, I HATE being above the average age (21) here. No MEN! Aaargh!

sriram, that's brilliant. I'll thank you right now. Thank you! Oh, I don't think she's an ass. :)

Nath said...

Mostly unrelated.