Thursday, September 14, 2006

Babies are little adults on drugs.

A few people I know have their very own poopmachines. Also known as babies. And these people, also known as proud parents, act like sprouting teeth is some kind of huge intellectual achievement.

It's not.

And if you've never been around a baby, here's a surprising fact about them.

They're unbelievably stupid.

Yeah, please don't give me that politically correct shit about their little brains developing. Their brains have plenty of time to develop while they're hogging their mothers' precious resources in the womb. Look at dogs and horses and other animals. They walk MINUTES after they're born! And humans are supposed to be SMARTER than them! Don't tell me that this has never struck you as being a tad odd?

Their dirty secret is drugs. Yes, wrap your diaper around THAT one.

I bet I'll have my kid reading Joyce and doing the cryptic crossword at three months, simply by blocking access to drugs.

Don't believe babies are on drugs? This little incident might help you see what I'm talking about. It's a true story, and it might shock some of you.

A proud mama once handed me her baby because she wanted to have a life for five minutes. I was holding the baby, so I decided I might as well engage it in some interesting conversation.

Hello, little baby.

*blank wide-eyed look*

My name is Raindrop. You have teeth and a tongue, your mom thinks you're some kind of genius. Say my name if you're that smart.


Raindrop. Repeat after me. Rain-drop.


What the hell is fa-fa?

*stupid smile*

Come on now, say my name. Rain-drop!


fa-fa sounds NOTHING like my name you little shit. What have you been smoking?


You've been smoking goo-gaa? (I'm not familiar with that one, but this baby definitely knows its drugs.)

Look, kid. It's an easy name to say if you aren't on crack.

*tugs at my hair*

Oh, is that your idea of being cute? Let me tell you kid, that shit doesn't work in the real world.

*gurgly, almost giggly smile*

(Sighing) You're not even a year old, and you're already a dopehead. You, kid, are going to give your poor parents a lot of grief.

*flaps its arms wildly, laughing like a little maniac*

And this continued for a while. The poor little shit couldn't even say my name. I realize it was at an impressionable age, and all the other babies were doing it too. I tried hard not to be judgemental and preachy, but I do believe we're responsible for the choices we make. This baby had strayed. Hopefully not irrevocably though. Kindergarten is the baby version of rehab.

Are you still not convinced that babies are dopeheads? I have MORE proof, just for unbelievers such as yourself.

"Other signs and symptoms of drug abuse are dilated pupils, restlessness, hyperactivity, euphoria, slurred speech, disabled co-ordination, incontinence, decreased attention span, an irregular sleep pattern and impaired judgment. "

Do babies have dilated pupils? Yes. Have you ever seen the glazed looks on those little zombie faces?
Are they restless and hyperactive? Hell, yes.
Are they euphoric? Yes, and they laugh like maniacs.
Is their speech slurred? Baby speech is the epitome of slurred speech. They can't fucking talk.
Disabled co-ordination? Obviously, would you ever trust a baby to drive your car? NO! And have you seen them drool? Disgusting.
Incontinence? The diaper industry wouldn't exist if this weren't true!
Decreased attention span? Babies have the shortest attention spans ever. Try catching a baby do ANYTHING for over 5 minutes. Other than crying and sleeping.
Irregular sleep pattern? You know the answer to that if you've ever been around a baby. It's a resounding YES!
Impaired judgement? Even the idiots who ask Playboy for advice on life would not consider asking babies for advice. How many baby judges have you seen? Zero.

I strongly suspect it's in baby food/formula. So feed your baby Big Mac and McFries, because you can be sure there's no nasty shit in there.

P.S. Please, dear friends from college, I don't think your baby is smart at all, even if it just said its first word. Because 'gwynng' is not a word. It may be a Welsh word, but Welsh words don't count. And DO NOT send me pictures of your babies stuffing their faces, food messily splattered all over them. I don't want to hear about their toilet training escapades either. If I were ever in charge of a country, these are some of the things I would make taboo.

Some people might find all of that cute, but those people are usually put away before they can do themselves/others any real harm.

Babies pretty much come from sludge and ooze, live in sludge and ooze, and then make their own sludge and ooze.

'Nuff said.

Update: I'm a judgemental bitch who gets really annoyed when people mispronounce the French word 'forte'. It's one syllable, plain and simple. Fort-ay is wrong! If you want to be pretentious and impress people with your French, then at least get it right! Or just stick to English like the hoi polloi. The incorrect use of French personal pronouns is another thing that gets to me.

It's not pedantry at play here, folks. Anyone who uses a foreign word when an English word would suffice, is trying, on some level, to impress. You can pull it off by getting the word right, but by getting it wrong, you're fair game. You WILL be ridiculed.


Drunken Master said...

What makes it worse is that it all goes downhill from then on. When they're finally clean and start pooping in the pot, they start eating mud. Then they want to spend your hard money, talk too much, whine and get back into the drug habit. Then they somehow make it to college and spend even more money, justifying it by trying to snort an education.

In the end the you survive a few ulcers and liver cirrhosis while learning to live a fulfilling spartan life. Joy!

PS - You're not the first with the Fries and Big Mac. I see mothers on the subway going a step further - feeding their kids Popeye's chicken-nuggets-floating-in-lard with DIET coke in between nursing all the time. (I see Nobel lauereates/math prodigies/The next American President)

Raindrop said...

DrunkenMaster, you are a very wise man indeed. I'm very tempted to hit on you right now.

Anonymous said...

I think babies take away with them a part of their parents' brains, especially of the female's ;). 'Fresh-parents' and their kids should be prohibited from entering the public life.

While on babies, I had somewhere read that one of the most important factors females consider while "choosing" a 'mate' is how good their offspring would be (How stoopid was G.W Bush's mom?). How the hell can somebody know that? Well, I think females have long ago cracked the human genetic code, but are hiding it behind their beguiling stupidity.

And looking at the American fatso-McD-eating kids, the day is not far away when they'll start mutating into chicken!

A and A said...

But they're chooo chweeeeeeettt!!!! *WT makes hasty exit*

sac said...

haha, i'm going to start tossing babies out of their prams looking for their hidden stashes now.. unless they stop me in my tracks first with those wide goo-goo eyes - aww wook at the wittle fewwow.. aww.. who's a wittle fewwow now?

Drunken Master said...

Ha! If I had a penny for everytime I'd hear that, I'd have just gotten my first penny! Celebration! Friday! Happy Hour in 45! Woo Hoo (heels clicking)!

Raindrop said...

dodo, women can sniff out stuff like that, trust me. Men do it too! A hot woman is usually a healthy, fertile woman. What beguiling stupidity? *flutters eyelashes at you*

Wishful, you're on drugs too, so shut up. :)

sac, you have to be strong. That's how they get you, with ridiculous cuteness. They could get away with murder!

Drunken, you bet! I'm going to a warm up party before the actual party! I LOVE WEEKENDS!!:D:D:D

Nath said...

Unbelievably stupid? Heavens, no. Babies are cunning little things, and I can prove it. With science.

Brain/body mass ratio of adult human: 1/50
Brain/body mass ratio of newborn baby: 1/9

Typical occupations of adult human: chartered accountant, lawyer, code monkey.
Typical occupations of newborn baby: none. They just lie around gargling, their every need seen to by their adult serfs.

My case rests.

DrunkenMaster, you are a very wise man indeed. I'm very tempted to hit on you right now.

For some reason I didn't see the word 'on', and spent several seconds trying to figure this out.

APOO said...


I can stop spending those thousands on buying the cocaine smuggled across the border and just start having baby food!

I agree with your last bit, even I didnt see the 'on' till you pointed it out, altho I didnt wonder too much about that sentence.

Raindrop - it shows the kinda personality you have developed - we believe you would rather hit the guy than hit on the guy!

Anonymous said...

My blog doesn't open if you're using IE or any other IE powered browser.
Babies like me.

Raindrop said...

Nath, a zillion points to you. Science is powerful shit, you nailed that one. Not drinking is one way you can avoid missing words.

Apoo, drugs are evil. I cannot condone buying baby food/drugs on my blog for this reason. This is just an academic question, but what kind of rates does your dealer get you? And hopefully, my latest post might help change your perception of my kind of personality.

Imhunt, it used to work just fine! You really hate us IE users, don't you? And babies like me more, so HAH!

Nath said...

My blog doesn't open if you're using IE or any other IE powered browser.
Babies like me.

Babies like you because your blog hates IE. Yet more proof of their superior intelligence.

Raindrop said...

Nath, I can blow your theory to pieces. I LIKE IE, and babies LOVE me!

Anonymous said...

you silly bitch, its for-tay. and its not frency anymore, but mainstream english like thousands of other words the language has assimilated from a million tongues.

Raindrop said...

anonymous, go ahead and pronounce it as you want. The pronunciation for-tay came about due to confusion with the Italian music term forte, but it's probably going to replace the original pronunciation. I suppose it's acceptable since that's how languages evolve. To me, however, it's like the Cockney 'erb vs. the Brit English herb. I prefer the latter, because it would appear that I am a linguistic snob in addition to being a silly bitch.

Anonymous said...

yo, anonymous fuck: that's a pathetic excuse for poor punctuation and grammar. what am i talking about? yeah, i thought so - you're incapable of figuring that out. also, what the fuck kind of language is 'thousands of other words' that you're likening english to?

dude, being ugly ain't no excuse for being so bitter. get over it. or stop looking at your mug in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

to me: oh my god, you make me cry.


Raindrop said...

me, I love how you haven't lost your knight-defending-his-lady's-honor instincts. You're the best ex ever!:)