Friday, August 25, 2006

Dear Visitors from Haloscan..

I am honored that you've clicked on the link that says 'puke here'.

But please stay longer. Read my pointless ramblings. Browse my pics. Leave a comment or two. Tell me how much you love me. Tell me how much you hate me. Puke here, if that's your thing. But do stay. I'd offer you some orange herbal tea if I could do that electronically.

To everyone else who has no clue what I'm talking about, I used trusty Statcounter to find that my blog was getting a large number of hits from people entering via Haloscan. (Will somebody please explain to me what haloscan is, btw? I gather it's some sort of forum.)

Because somebody posted the following message on haloscan:

for Your Highness to puke on-
Anon. | 08.24.06 - 11:41 pm | #

For obvious reasons, he/she/it chose to remain anonymous. Anyway, if any of you would like to improve your blog readership, just link your blog to some forum and ask His Highness to puke on it. I wish I'd thought of that before Anon.

Because it really does work wonders.

Update: I now know what the the Maanga is. Thanks for the tip-off, Nath.


Nath said...

Will somebody please explain to me what haloscan is, btw? I gather it's some sort of forum.

A blog commenting system. Apparently used here. I don't know where pukey Highnesses come into play.

Sriram said...

Oh mah Gawd! You think I'm sane? Oh well... :D

I have no clue who Krish is, other than from his blog.. and I can vouch that he's a bit of an ass cuz the moron rants about "say what you have to say here" and then proceeds to delete the comment. I don't really have too much of a grudge against him other than his poor grammar and the whole "deleting comments when proclaiming free speech" part. As for the anon's at the maanga, no clue at all. Too many trolls there and honestly, don't even worry about the "puke" or whatever. enjoy the traffic generated!

Oh, Pluto is indeed too cool to care about planet status. Infact, pluto was cool even before we knew what "cool" was!

Raindrop said...

Nath, I'm quite the technophobe, so I appreciate your letting me know what that is. Isn't it also some kind of forum?

I'm all for pukey highnesses though. My traffic went up by about 200%. It would appear that I am not above enjoying it. Who'd have ever thought that?

Sriram, I'm loving the traffic. Oh, and read Nath's latest post titled Defending the Grammar Nazi.

I suggest we start a little group and christen it the Grastapo, short for Grammatik Staats Polizei. It's the Final Solution.

Obviously, we'll get Chomsky and Pinker to head our group.

Anonymous said...

OK, I'm totally confused. You made a post because somebody without an identity puked on your site and asked people on some other site to do the same - a site where people make posts about posts? And somebody from that site came here and posted a comment explaining why he is making his posts? WTF!
Do you want to know how people fighting on Internet-forums would do it in real-life: like this :).
And what's up with Statcounter? How much did you get to know about me :(?

Raindrop said...

No, no, no. The first part is correct. But someone on that site came to this site because I went to his site (because he was already ON that site) to ask him what that site was about, and whether he know who the person without the identity was, and why the person without the identity was linking my site on that site in the first place anyway. I hope it's all clear now.

And I know your GPA. Actually, I know someone else's GPA. WTF? Hasn't blogging taught you (the person whose GPA I know, it's between me and the person) ANYTHING about procrastination in academic matters?

And you, dodo, had better start being nice to me. Because I know your dirty secret. Yes, that secret.

Madame Mahima said...

babe haloscan is a commenting system much like the blogger commenting system (no idea why people would wanna use halsocan..half the time it doesnt even open in my browser)

ive realised something about people online- they are quite crazy. yes including you and me
ps- i am sad that pluto is no longer a classical planet..i feel like i've been living a lie

Raindrop said...

Mahi, what? I am NOT crazy. Have you been speaking to my shrink? He's a big fat liar!

Well, the Pluto thing just proves that they're all liars. I got used to their lies though. After finding out the truth about Santa, I became a hardened cynic.

Raindrop said...

Look upon my typos and weep! Dodo, in my response to you, I meant KNEW not KNOW. But you already knew that, didn't you?

Vijayeta said...

Hello, dear Raindrop!
Finally got around to dropping by your blog and I will return soon to catch up on all previous posts :)
Though it would go well with the orange herbal tea, i suppose, but then... Damn Cyberspace :(

Raindrop said...

Vijayeta, thanks for stopping by!

Your particular brand of insanity is very welcome here. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making everything so very clear. Now I'm ready to dream about 'sites' and 'posts'!

Anyway, don't bluff about knowing my GPA. I know that you don't know what my GPA was. Otherwise you'd have fallen in love with me or something like that ;). No, it is not a perfect GPA.

And please don't let my dirty secret out. Or else it would be really difficult for me to become a Superhero :))

You know what, when I first read the title of this post - "Dear Visitors from ..." - I thought you were welcoming alien dudes from some planet. Yes, I'm very much interested in sci-fi, thank you!

My English is not that good, so I don't weep on typos and such. Moreover, I have much bigger and better things to weep on.

Raindrop said...

Dodo, I ALSO welcome alien dudes from any planet. It's implicit, they know it.

I'll be nice. I won't let anyone in your secret.

My own GPA is very cleverly maintained at just above the minimum that I need to keep them from kicking me out of my program. It takes work to achieve such fine balance.

Raindrop said...

In ON your secret. Argh. I'm starting to randomly miss words like my mom!

Anonymous said...

How good are you at persuading people? Even though not many people believe it, this might just help you with your GPA :)

Unknown said...

Puke, GPA, Typos and Orange Tea
Someone tell me whats in it for me

Vikas Kaul said...

Thanks. A polish netizen friend of mine had told me about it sometime back [@dobranoc].


Raindrop said...

Dodo, my new flat mate seems too nice to do that sort of thing to. I'd have tried it with the older one.

Imhunt, I don't know. Hhours and hours of kinky sex? Yes PIMPS (plural of Dodo's famous acronym form of Pathetic Indian Moral Police), I hope you're reading this! :)

Vikas, it also happens to be the ONLY Polish word I know. :)

Anonymous said...
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Raindrop said...
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