Sunday, July 02, 2006

Desperately seeking someone!

Yes, all you hot men out there with castles and titles and billions in the bank. I'm single! Grab me (figuratively, of course. um, maybe not ENTIRELY figuratively..) while you still can!

I'm hot, mostly harmless, slightly shallow, and have a three digit IQ(!).

I'm open to minor royalty. I might deign to date a viscount, but even I, bonafide egalitarian, supporter of the underdog, sympathizer of the masses; draw the line at barons. Unless they have EXCEPTIONALLY hot abs.

Prince Carl Philip, are you listening?


Kike said...

Hmmm... Maybe we can come to an arrengement... He, he...

Let's see first: age?, height?, slim or fat?, etc.?

You talk first and then we go business ;-)

(Just kidding!)


Raindrop said...

Give me your name, title, a recent pic of your abs, and THEN we'll talk.

Anonymous said...

hey there,

i don't have no castles or not titles. but i like hot women. also, i'm kinda fat. but that's irrelevant. what matters is how hot your legs are.

send me a picture, and we'll talk. who knows... you just might get lucky.

Raindrop said...

You sound like my ex boyfriend. Men who sound like my ex are not welcome. Feel free to fuck off my site.

Anonymous said...

Untie me first! And give me my clothes back!

Raindrop said...

Funny. You made your little joke, now fuck off my site.

Anonymous said...

I bet you aren't HALF has gorgeous as my ex.

Anonymous said...

And you spell just as badly as mine. Now fuck off my site.

Anonymous said...


Raindrop said...

Yes, riggs. That was ugly. I'm sorry you had to witness that.

unforgiven said...

Shit man, I need to put up a post like this too.

I want some really hot, rich woman too, who'll take care of me for the rest of my life.

She needs to love cars, video games, nerdy things like programming, philosophy and tofu! Oh she also has to like ugly men and her motto in life should be "Why look for a six pack guy when you can have the one with a keg!"

Oh where art thou my soulmate! :|

Raindrop said...

Yeah, but I have to admit that this hasn't been working out so well.

Word of advice- If you find that woman, chloroform her and kidnap her. Stockholm syndrome will take care of the rest. It's what I've decided to do.

unforgiven said...

Well my requirements are actually reachable!
Though I am not sure on the chloroform and kidnapping issue. Stockholm Syndrome is exactly gauranteed to develop and well, in jail, reciprocation may be quite, umm, literal..

Raindrop said...

unforgiven, why's tofu nerdy?

And Carl Philip, he's the guy I'd like to kidnap. He lives in Stockholm. Are Stockholmers more susceptible to Stockholm syndrome? I guess I'll find out soon.

unforgiven said...

Why isn't Tofu nerdy?
Yeah, one's not really supposed to answer a question with a question, but, err, well, so sue me :D

You know what's funny? Women desire rich, powerful and well, hot, guys. What they don't seem to realize is that men are a "bit" different than women. It may actually be possible to get Carl Phillip, except, you'd kinda need to find enough room to accomodate his harem too ;)

If you're cool with that, I would suggest writting to Carl. I have a feeling the kidnapping may not even be nessecary :)

Raindrop said...

If it's gonna be Carl Philip, then I'm settling for nothing less than the title of Crown Princess.

I'll even learn his funny sounding language. Ja Carl, jag talar svenska!

I hope Carl's reading this. I've displayed my IM details just in case he is.

unforgiven said...

Do you want the man, the money or the title?
You get to pick two ;)

Oh THAT is why you displayed your IM details! That's why I keep my e-mail and IM details displayed also. For my dream girl ya know?


Raindrop said...

I'm not settling for two:P

I want what I want, I can't help that. :)

unforgiven said...

It's good to have wants in life. Keeps one motivated.
What scares me though is, even Ted Bundy most just had wants! ;)

As long as your "not settling for two" doesn't involve any, err, extreme measures, we're fine :P

unforgiven said...

I guess 4am in the morning is getting to me. mostly*

basho said...

Hilarious. I trace my lineage to erstwhile royalty from some godforsaken place in India. Does that count? :-)

Raindrop said...

basho as in the haiku dude?

Royal blood's nice and all that, but those darn socialists went and stripped away titles. And I have a title fetish.

But I'll be generous. That counts. :-)