Thursday, November 02, 2006

Diamond of Wisdom #5

In a blatant attempt to plagiarize from this man, I've decided to do my own little Diamond of Wisdom series.

(I own the man in question, so I just realized it's probably perfectly legal. To the curious: I own him because he offered himself to me. I'm not a cruel slave-owning bitch by nature, but he wanted it.)

So here's today's 40 carat stunner.

What numbs pain also numbs the imagination.
-Raindrop, 2006 AD

I'm referring to Ibuprofen 800mg, of course.

On a side note, why is it that Anna Nicole Smith looks so much better these days? To all you E! addicts who actually know the answer to that question, you should seriously consider getting a life. If you study Anna Nicole Smith's plastic surgery history, you've got to be at least slightly weird.

Coming soon: A feminism tag!


A and A said...

800 frikkin' mg? You got my sympathy, if thats worth anything.

Scritch said...

yay! You linked me! Now all I need to do is publish even more obscene baby animations to move UP the list...
"excellent excellent"said Mr. Burns

Raindrop said...

With 800mg, I don't really need sympathy. :)

Oh, oh. It's random. I'll make it alphabetical one of these days though. Or use blogrolling, and do one of those funky things where it arranges links so they look nice.