Friday, August 11, 2006

Monkeyin' around wid Ali G.

Kent Hovind, you are a GENIUS. When you try to rubbish evolution by saying that it's pure religion, what exactly do you mean?

Just to see if I got this straight..

If something is pure religion then it's plain old garden variety bullshit, but if it ISN'T pure religion, i.e., it's impure religion, then it's an acceptable belief system?

Either way, you'd have to believe you're going to hell.

You probably never knew this, but monkeys have human babies all the time, but there's a massive conspiracy to cover it up just to make creationists look stupid.


unforgiven said...


Raindrop said...

Yo, respek!

unforgiven said...

Seen Ali G In Da House, eh? :)

A and A said...

HAHAHAHA!! That guy never fails to get a laugh out of me!!! Respek! ;)

Horsey said...

Big up to my man Richard Dawkins

Raindrop said...

Wishful, I'm pissed that I only discovered Ali G like two days ago!

Horsey, Dawkins be rawkin!
That dude was trying to teach Dawkins evolution? What an idiot!

unforgiven said...

Oh god, that means you haven't seen Ali G In Da House??

Geez, go out and rent it NOW! Seriously! It's that urgent! :)

Then you will definitely will understand restecpa! :)

A and A said...

What are you saying babe??? Like go watch 'Ali G in da house' like right now!!!!! If you haven't already that is! ;)

Raindrop said...

Hold on, guys. I didn't say I hadn't seen it!

Of COURSE I've seen it. :)

Madame Mahima said...

u should see the one where he interviews becks and posh..that was fun-nyyyy

hey ure kannadiga too?? high five!

Dh@v@! said...

never knew that

Anonymous said...

Ali G rocks!

I don't understand what the big fuss is about. Doesn't everyone know that creationists are the "missing link" between monkeys and humans?

Nath said...

Madame Mahima:
u should see the one where he interviews becks and posh..that was fun-nyyyy

Big up to my man Richard Dawkins

Surreal. Towards the end, it really plays like a sketch on the Colbert Report.

You probably never knew this, but monkeys have human babies all the time.

I have reason to believe the reverse is also true.

Raindrop said...

Mahima, I've seen that. Posh and Becks were really good sports!
I'm not really Kannadiga, but I AM Bangalorean. High five! :)

Dh@v@, now you know. :)

Dodo, that really made me laugh!

Nath, thanks for the Posh-Becks link. And the reverse is definitely true. Kareena Kapoor and Paris Hilton are shining examples of this. Their parents and siblings seem more or less normal, but they look strange and are at least borderline retarded.

Pavan Tyagi (पवन त्यागी) said...

Well choregraphed and orchastrated blog...Cheers!

Pavan Tyagi (पवन त्यागी) said...

a good blog, been Worth checking it out!


Ari said...

try russell peters.. - hilarious!!

hey... looks like ill be attending an interview next week.. @ mumbai..

any luck with yours?